Solidarity is the Tenderness of the Species – Cohabitation its Lived Exploration von OFFscreen für ARCH+
Solidarity is the Tenderness of the Species – Cohabitation its Lived Exploration from ARCH+ on Vimeo.
A manifesto written by philosopher Fahim Amir for the project “Cohabitation” and presented by performer Alicia Agustín. The video is on display at the exhibition “Cohabitation: A Manifesto for the Solidarity of Human and Non-Humans in Urban Space” at silent green in Berlin. Artistic direction by: Marion von Osten*, Christian Hiller, Alexandra Nehmer, Anh-Linh Ngo and Peter Spillmann. Animation by: Pan Hu, Anton Krebs, station+, DARCH/ETH Zürich. Film production by: Offscreenmedia. Postproduction by: Jakob Walter.
“The universal human body as a model is more uncertain than ever before. On the shores of the future, architects stand amidst a proliferating crowd of cyborg bodies, prosthetic bodies, animal bodies, pornographic, mutated and tortuous bodies, disabled, migrated and colonized bodies, flying, scurrying, and crawling bodies. Instead of referring back to the questionable idyll of an imagined pre-modernity, cohabitation stands for the lived exploration of solidarity as the tenderness of the species.”